Saturday, September 21, 2013

Compiling simg2img and make_ext4fs from Android v4.2.1 sources

gcc compiling option should be re-located, which is supposed to depends on the computer environment.

Compiling simg2img and make_ext4fs from Android v4.2.1 sources

The process is a bit different now.
Let's assume that the $AOSP_ROOT variable points to our AOSP root (eg. export AOSP_ROOT="$HOME/Android/AOSP").

  1. Download the repository:
    cd "$AOSP_ROOT"
    [ ! -d "platform/system" ] && mkdir -p platform/system
    cd platform/system
    git clone
  2. Check out a revision of your choice:
    cd core
    git checkout android-4.2.1_r1
  3. Compile simg2img:
    cd libsparse
    gcc -o simg2img -Iinclude -lz simg2img.c sparse_crc32.c backed_block.c output_file.c sparse.c sparse_err.c sparse_read.c

    gcc -o simg2img -Iinclude simg2img.c sparse_crc32.c backed_block.c output_file.c sparse.c sparse_err.c sparse_read.c -lz
    (When compiling, the link option should come at last on my computer. If not "undefined reference to xxxx" errors happened.)
The unpacking is quite the same:
  • Unpack your Android image files (of course you should adjust the commands for the correct path to the IMG files):
    cd ../../
    ./core/libsparse/simg2img system.img system.raw.img
    ./core/libsparse/simg2img userdata.img userdata.raw.img
  • Do whatever you want with the images (eg. you can use Paragon's ExtFS on a Mac or just simply mount the images in linux via the loop device). Eg.
    mkdir /mnt/my_system /mnt/my_userdata
    mount -t ext4 -o loop system.raw.img /mnt/my_system
    mount -t ext4 -o loop userdata.raw.img /mnt/my_userdata
And the compilation of make_ext4fs did get more complicated too:
  1. Download the repository:
    cd "$AOSP_ROOT/platform"
    [ ! -d "system" ] && mkdir system
    cd system
    git clone
  2. Check out a revision of your choice:
    cd extras
    git checkout android-4.2.1_r1
  3. Compile make_ext4fs:
    cd ..
    gcc -o make_ext4fs -Icore/libsparse/include -lz extras/ext4_utils/make_ext4fs_main.c extras/ext4_utils/make_ext4fs.c extras/ext4_utils/ext4fixup.c extras/ext4_utils/ext4_utils.c extras/ext4_utils/allocate.c extras/ext4_utils/contents.c extras/ext4_utils/extent.c extras/ext4_utils/indirect.c extras/ext4_utils/uuid.c extras/ext4_utils/sha1.c extras/ext4_utils/wipe.c core/libsparse/backed_block.c core/libsparse/output_file.c core/libsparse/sparse.c core/libsparse/sparse_crc32.c core/libsparse/sparse_err.c core/libsparse/sparse_read.c
And the repacking is all the same too:
PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)" ./extras/ext4_utils/ -s /mnt/my_system_dir my_system.img ext4 /tmp 512M


  1. help Compiling simg2img and make_ext4fs from Android android-4.4_r1

  2. Nice howto, thanks for sharing!
    I built it that way, but I receive an error: make_ext4fs results in "can't set android permissions - built without android support" when trying to execute make_ext4fs called by
    This can be fixed by adding the following when compiling make_ext4fs: "-Icore/include -DANDROID".

  3. Can you please share the steps on how to build fro version android-5.1.1_r9.
    The files are changes now.
